Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One Step Forward, One Step Back, and Then One Step Forward Again

I took a break from knitting yesterday. Not because I'm tired of it, but because I don't want to become tired of it. It's kind of fun to just foof around for the day. Plenty to do. Plenty.

Two days after Miss Freckles started Kindergarten I decided it was time to put my Etsy pants on. I knew that if I didn't, I would spend my days cleaning, doing laundry, and rearranging the furniture. And I'd probably spend my evenings crying! WAAAAAAH.

So on my day off yesterday, what's the first thing you think I did? Well I rearranged the furniture of course! And then I cleaned, and then I did laundry, and then I cried. No just kidding, I didn't cry. But I would've if I had to wake up this morning just to repeat the clean, laundry, rearrange process.

Today I'm knitting from my newly postitioned chair. There's a little spring in my stitch after evaluating the situation, and realizing how happy I am to be fillling orders for the most lovely customers in the world.